RUNAPP.EXE Version 1.0 Released Christmas, 1993 The Story ---------- I have some relatives who are Windows users and who cannot manage at the DOS command prompt. Unfortuneately, they have many DOS-based games which do not work well in a Windows V8086 environment, sharing hardware, etc. So, as a Christmas gift I've written RUNAPP, which will launch a DOS application by first shutting down Windows, then running the app. When the app is exited, Windows automatically starts again. My relatives need not bother with the DOS prompt. As long as they can find the application EXE or COM file using a Common Dialog File Open dialog, they are all set. (For you programming hacks, RUNAPP is just a fancy wrapper for the Windows ExitWindowsExec() function.) I've tried RUNAPP with Id Software's DOOM, and it works great. Just run the program to see how it's set up. Make sure you use a full path to the DOS .EXE. I'm distributing this program as FreeWare - pass it along to as many people as you like - with no obligation whatsoever. Please distribute in the form of RUNAPP.ZIP. Of course, I'm under no obligation as to the performance or fitness for a particular purpose, etc, etc.... I've no tcp/ip or ftp service to the internet, so anyone who has this service can upload to cica or simtel if you wish. Feedback is always welcome. CompuServe: 72430,507 Internet: or, Until at least 4/94, Enjoy All Gerry Hull.